The year is 1326 in the world called Abyssia. In this time of dark
ages, our people struggle for their dignity and freedom of The
Empire of Domania; for those who already have it, they’ve
forced, struggled, will into themselves to keep it or die trying.
One ruler stands high above his Empire, claiming his supreme god
and religion; forcing it to be spread throughout the World.
As freedom fighters join and regroup to take on the
Empire's followers, those deemed worthy of the cause, those taking
charge in forcibly spreading the dictatorship of the Empire.
Society has developed the system of "Follow or be
killed". Amongst
those in this society, some would be called rebels, but deep in
their hearts they fight back with a reason.
Regardless of their diverse races, they stand together as
beings seeking the freedom from the cruel tyranny, with what they
call, “signs from the gods.”
Though no one has ever seen any god or goddess, the ruler of this
Empire has claimed to with his iron hand and army; therefore, he
is the chosen one for his precise speeches and eerily accurate
predictions. Would it be a false claim or a set-up? Perhaps this set-up is what the Emperor would manipulate
events to match his predictions?
One may not know, but one follows whom he wishes accepting the
consequences in the path of life.
If not, one will continue to follow through the average day
of life suppressing one’s dignity for the rules—rules set by a
man claiming to be sent by the God of this world.
Your choice is what you will live by daily, remember that, because
in this World, it is your self-respect that is on the line or the
riches offered for it if you're worthy enough to become Imperial.
In this World you will find yourself with many beings of different
kinds, religions and purposes due to having several countries and
cities of different cultures, politics, and meanings.
Faith has a true meaning from the dwellers of lands being
so religious-biased without the sight of the gods.
Come, your fate awaits you here…
- Theodore Arraphe