The Domanian Charter
1296-Present Day
The following account is of the
earliest Charter of Domania written by Narciso Vyras himself,
during the first weeks of his reign. This doctrine served both as
an invitation for those in his favor to settle in Domania, and
clearly explained to his opposition what Domanian life now would
be. This charter has been confirmed three times over the last
three decades, with only the slightest modifications made. Those
will be noted with an *asterisk are to illustrate the
differences between Domania of 1296 and current-day conditions.
1. Let it be known that effective
immediately, whomever owns a house in the provinces, hamlets,
parishes and cities within the Country of Domania, he shall be
subject to the yearly tax of thirty percent of the house's worth.
And if he should acquire further property by clearing wastelands,
he shall be subject to reassessment.
2. All men of the Country of
Domania shall pay tariffs upon his food. He shall also be taxed on
the grains that he obtains through his own labor and also that of
his animals. He will also be taxed on any wines he obtains from
his vineyards.
3. All men shall pay tolls as far
as the Emanian border and as far as the Maejian border, and as far
as the Meridian border, all which surround Domania.
4. Whoever has his farm in Domania
is subject to losing it through fines for offenses against
*5. All going to or coming from the fairs or the markets are
subject to arrest, disturbance, or physical search from the
Imperial Guards, on grounds of suspicion of carrying contraband.
*Note: There are no more fairs for the citizens of Domania. These
were stopped upon the segregation of Upper and Lower Acadia.*
*6. If any wish to sell their belongings, he may sell them, giving
fifty percent of the proceeds to the Empire, and then leave the
Country of Domania, unless he has committed a crime in this
Country. *This was an option given at the beginning of Vyras'
rule, to chase the opposition out of the Country and at a Profit.
This was amended when it was found easier to seize assets of the
wealthy who did not support Vyras, rather than a mere fifty
percent, and then lock the individuals away in the Domanian
7. There will be a tax imposed upon all Domanians for the services
of the Imperial Guard.
8. The men of Domania are not permitted to take dead wood outside
the forest for their own use.
9. Whoever in the Markets of Domania should buy or sell anything
and in forgetfulness retain the toll, he will be imprisoned
immediately, as this is viewed as a crime against the Country,
whether he knowingly or unknowingly retained it.
10. The powers of aldermen and clerics is immediately rescinded
upon the Emperor taking his throne. Those aldermen and clerics who
defy this article are subject to life imprisonment.
11. That to every man, liberties previously enjoyed prior to the
Rule of the Emperor are hereby revoked. That Domanians shall
defend their Country and their Emperor, serving upon order as
Auxiliary to the Imperial Guard.
12. All who live within the borders of Domania, or all who shall
live there in the future, will be subject to head tax and to
payments to Court Officials, shall a Court Appearance be required.
13. Whoever comes to Domania from any place shall have
Authorization Papers from the Imperial Guard; procured no less
than one fortnight prior to the visit. Those found without
Authorization Papers shall be imprisoned without bail.
14. The Imperial Guard who every night in the year protect the
Empire of Domania, and who, besides their salary and support as
was established in recent days past, in oats and cheese and in
goatskins, will become accustomed to demand two pieces gold and
one loaf, or items tantamount to the value of same, from each
house in the city, at the times of feast and Winter Solstice, in
addition to their salary and support.
*15. I revoke for their use the pastures adjacent to Mareca and
Denali as well as the marshes, meadows and uncultivated lands to
Farmers and Breeders of Livestock, as well as all others not
affiliated with the Empire. *Having absorbed Mareca and Denali,
these lands are now part of the Domanian wasteland, which
succumbed to the overharvesting and then the change in climate.*
16. Whoever may molest and disturb any True Citizen of Domania
will be found guilty of the betrayal of state and subject to life
imprisonment or death, the penalty adjusted to circumstance. Any
traitorious Citizen of Domania who is molested or disturbed has no
recourse against their Molestor or Disturber.
17. Peasant Domanian Children will no longer be furnished with the
opportunity of formal education. The chosen children of Domania,
those offspring of the Empire and Domanian Officials, will be
entitled to this facility.
I command that this Charter be dissolved by no one. This document
is Law to the Country of Domania and all of its territories, as I
swear before my God.
- Narciso Vyras, Emperor of Domania.
The Charter of Domania is loosely
based upon adaptations of two real-life medieval charters, that of
Lorris and St. Omer, dating back to 1127. Corinne Santoro of the
Perfect Minds Productions Team has used this 800+-year-old work
only as a guideline, adapting and twisting the provisions to that
suitable solely for the Emperor of Domania.