in Abyssia
The wearing of a cruel, contrastingly tight band of steel clamped
at the nape of one's neck, is occasionally seen in the
#HarborHouse. This is not a mere piece of Jewelry. This is an
option for some Characters, and this is not a matter to be taken
Collaring, practiced usually by those in Power, who follow Narciso
Vyras's vision of what the World is, entails the clamping of the
collar upon one's favored subservient. The public sees the etching
in the plate at the base of the throat, signifying to whom the
subservient belongs. Several subservient may wear collars of the
same "Owner"--this is a highly personal decision. On the
same note, "Owners" shall not hand out collars to just
anyone. For the tight-fitting collar can only be removed by
cutting it off, there is no magic to make it vanish, nor prayers
to wish it away. The cutting causes serious, permanent physical
injury and/or Death. This is NOT for IC/OOC "lovers" or
light role-players. This is for the committed...for the role-players
who can truly throw themselves into their roles. In addition to
their characters and their professions, they are adding the
dimension of a Master/Slave, or Owner/Property aspect.
This is not done in many medieval role-playing
games for the following reasons:
If done by a novice, the IC
relationship could cause OOC emotions one did not foresee
happening...sometimes detrimentally.
Both partners should know each
other well enough both IC and OOC, and be able to separate fantasy
rpg scening from reality...hence the caution given before allowing
characters to collar.
Both players will write to the
Owners before utilizing the Collars in the channel. This
prevents us having to investigate complaints in the future
regarding inappropriate behaviors. Letters of request will advise
a brief character history, as well as consent from both parties.
For example, Narciso Vyras, the Emperor, has his Wife collared.
This is a reflection of his character: Not only does she bear his
last name, and the title of Empress, he also has her collared.
Call it a show of power, or his ego enhancement...whatever the
case, this is what he has chosen to do to her. Her name upon your
screen would appear as:
Theretofore, her character wears
this collar. All who see her, in case there was a doubt as
to whom she was, could see his initials etched in the plate. His
daughter, Cipriana Vyras is NOT collared. Collars also tend
to signify the presence of an intimate relationship, these are not
part of the Family's daily attire.
Setting the precedent on the rest
of the collared subservient, it is to be noted that Nardija's
behavior directly reflects upon him...a piece of his Empire,
property...and with the collar comes the responsibility of
answering to him. This answering works in two ways: He
is her Guardian, as well as her Lifeline. Without him, she is
nothing. He judges her actions more harshly than those that he has
not lain such a personal claim upon. Both Narciso and Nardija
acknowledge this fact, and this relationship shapes who she is.
Where her collar constricts her physically, altering certain
actions, he is not necessarily constrained. His only bind is that
of emotion, if he in fact feels anything at all.
Again--this is yet another freedom
of gaming offered you by the Creators of Abyssia, the Perfect Minds
Productions Team. This option is not to be abused or misused. And
will NOT be used without written staff approval.